20 years ago, I had a crusade at Warri, my old stomping ground. The Olu of Warri sent two of his first class Chiefs to represent him in that crusade. I preached a simple gospel and the first person to respond to the invitation was a notorious criminal. He was known as the mayor of that place. The Chief who spoke for the Olu of Warri leaned over to me when I took my seat and said, Rev. if this is the only person saved in this crusade, it is worth it. My friend, then Navy Captain John Kpokpogri who was the Commanding Officer of the Naval Base there said to me, Rev. you have saved Warri. By the way, Kpokpogri is a retired Rear Admiral and was one of the few persons who generously supported me financially to host that crusade. God bless his generation.
Over the years, I have seen criminals, ritual killers, etc saved through our outreaches. I get really excited to see bad people saved because they are my kind of people. I love bad people and I am sent to them.
As we begin our 30 DAYS PRAYER CHAIN FOR A HARVEST OF 30 MILLION SOULS from tomorrow August 1 to 30, my earnest heart desire is to see bad people saved. People who have authority to steal, kill and destroy like Saul of Tarsus, I want to see them saved. When they are radically transformed, our society will be safe. It is bad people who make bad society. Let us get them saved before they are lost eternally.
We have 8 Prayer Watches:
First Watch – 6 am to 9 amSecond Watch – 9 am to 12 noon Third Watch – 12 noon to 3 pmFourth Watch – 3 pm to 6 pmFifth Watch – 6 pm to 9 pmSixth Watch – 9 pm to 12 midnight Seventh Watch – 12 midnight to 3 amEight Watch – 3 am to 6 am
Please, let me know which of these Prayer Watches you can join and before the end of today, one of my coordinators will contact you by WhatsApp. You will be required to inbox me your WhatsApp number so you can join the group to pray. Each Prayer Watch has a Coordinator and specific prayer targets.
We are about to see some amazing harvest of souls, for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14.
Please, join this chariot.
Thank you for your partnership as we prepare to reap the ripe harvest fields of the earth beginning from here in Gaborone, Botswana this week. I need your prayers as we begin our outreaches here in Gaborone, Botswana.
Thank you for your prayers.
It is our year of fruitfulness! Bishop Michael O. Amamieye www.aggressivefaith.org #30millionsouls #50nations