School of Evangelism at Believers Life Assembly, Port Harcourt

Do you know what brings joy in heaven? No one knows except the One who was there, came from there and is gone back there. Only Jesus can tell us exactly what explodes heaven with joy. In Luke 15:7, Jesus tells us that there is joy in heaven over one sinner who repents more than ninety nine just persons who need no repentance.

Quite frankly, that upends my theology. Heaven is more excited about one person who repents that ninety nine just or righteous people who need no repentance. Put in perspective, heaven is happy that I am saved. Thank you sir. However, heaven is more excited about one new person. While we are happy in church that we are saved, heaven is happy with us and become happier to see one more sinner repent.

Our School of Evangelism at Believers Life Assembly, Port Harcourt last weekend saw 59 new persons repent and accepted Jesus Christ. That is 59 times joy in heaven. Thanks to our host Bishop C. Charles who is such a passionate follower of Christ. Thanks to my team for a productive School.

If you desire to see your church members inspired to become productive soul winners, do not hesitate to contact me. Let us bring our School of Evangelism to your church. Let us inspire your people to go after that one soul that will bring joy in heaven. Let us explode heaven with joy unspeakable together.

The harvest truly is plenteous.

Mega blessings!

Bishop Michael O. Amamieye
#30millionsouls  #50nations

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