There are two powerful forces that trigger revival. One is persistent prayer. Two is persecution that produces prayer. We will either be moved to pray until something happens or God will allow wicked people to persecute us until we pray.
Take it or leave it, prayer is what gives God permission to invade humanity. If there is a time we need a sovereign invasion of God on earth, it is now.
Our 30 DAYS PRAYER CHAIN FOR A HARVEST OF 30 MILLION SOULS began today. Already, we are mobilizing believers from all over Nigeria and beyond to pray in this massive harvest of souls.
We have 8 Prayer Watches:
First Watch – 6 am to 9 amSecond Watch – 9 am to 12 noon Third Watch – 12 noon to 3 pmFourth Watch – 3 pm to 6 pmFifth Watch – 6 pm to 9 pmSixth Watch – 9 pm to 12 midnight Seventh Watch – 12 midnight to 3 amEight Watch – 3 am to 6 am
If you are yet to join any of the Prayer Watches, please, inbox me your name and WhatsApp number so I can include you in the watch of your choice.
It is time to pray and I must pray.
Bishop Michael O. Amamieye www.aggressivefaith.org#30millionsouls #50nations
Egbeda School of Evangelism, Lagos